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Wednesday 13 March 2013

#AskFaith - The Joys of Parenting

In February I introduced a new regular feature on my blog called "Ask Faith". With so many people connecting with Tainted Love's Faith McKenzie through her story, I wanted to bring you the opportunity to get to know her a little more. 

This weeks #AskFaith is a little different. In this segment Faith talks a lot about the darker side of her relationship with Calvin. Sometimes you may see it, sometimes you may not but its always there.

Today, I wanted to share with you something from inside the pages of Tainted Love. Something that makes me laugh.

If you haven't got your hands on a copy Tainted Love will be free at Amazon this Thursday and Friday!
(14th-15th March 2013)

Tainted Love

You know, this was the first and only time we were ever caught by the children. I thought he’d be angrier, or at least as angry as I was embarrassed. I mean, I knew it would happen eventually, but still prayed it never did.
I mean you... you always seemed to have ESP for this kind of behavior. You’d knock before you came in and you didn’t come in our room without permission. But Caleb, he just wandered right in.
“Mom, I’m starving. What’s for dinner?”
We shuffled and I scrambled, but Cal wrapped his arm around my waist and said, “No, you and me are staying right here.” He placed a kiss on my lips. “Tell Georgia to order takeout, there’s money in my wallet.”
“Georgia, can we have pizza?” Caleb called out the door.
“What? Really? Dad, are you feeling okay?” came Georgia’s voice.
As you can imagine, I wanted to just bury my head under my duvet as our bedroom became even more crowded. Georgia took one look at me, then her Dad, and screeched “OH MY GOD! Oh my god ohmigodohmigodohmigod.” She grabbed Caleb’s arm and forced him to face her. ”What are you doing in here?! When they’re doing that?! It’s disgusting!”
“What?” Oh poor little man, he really was that innocent at one time. “Why? What are they doing?”
“They’re… um…” Her face glowed in an instant, an amusing shade of crimson. It was hard not to find it funny, even though I was cringing with empathy for her. “They’re having, em… theyremakingbabies!”
It was just one word, but Caleb understood it and he freaked! “Ugh! That’s gross!”
“And you’re watching!”
“No!” He hands went to his ears. His eyelids scrunched shut and his entire body pulled together as though it could block out everything around him. “I wasn’t!” Caleb ran from the room screaming, “I wasn’t! I didn’t know!”
Georgia looked at us one more time and shuddered. “Urgh!” She walked away, muttering, “I’ll need therapy after this.”
“Don’t order anything for us, Georgia!” Cal shouted after her. “We’re busy, and we will be. All night long.” 
“AW, DAD!” The bedroom door slammed shut. 
“That was so much fun!” His laughter vibrated against me. “And it was worth every ear piercing decibel. Now…” The mischief in his smile warmed me through, and stirred just a little bit of wickedness within me, too. “I’ve traumatized the children enough never to come back in here. At least not tonight, anyway. Don’t we have a new hot tub?”

If you have any questions for Tainted Love's Faith McKenzie email them to me at or pop them in the comments

Faith will return to answer your questions next Thursday.

Don't Forget Tainted Love will be free this Thursday and Friday!
available from Amazon US | Amazon UK
(14th-15th March 2013)


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The Legal Bit

All characters have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation to anyone baring the same name. They are not inspired by an individual known or unknown by the author and all incidents are pure invention.

The articles, excerpts, and other written work published under the pseudonym Erin Cawood are copyright protected by the author. Guest articles are published by arrangement and also copyright protected by the guest author.

Images of Erin Cawood are provided by Paul Miguel Photography.

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